Asmir Ka'lesa: Dawn Of A New Age
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Kanetsugu Nakamura

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Kanetsugu Nakamura Empty Kanetsugu Nakamura

Post by Orgoth Sun Jan 02, 2022 4:43 am

Kijin Template

Theme Music:
Character Information

Name: Kanetsugu Nakamura
Age: Mid-30s
True Age: 205
Sex: Male
Personality: Kanetsugu is a particularly driven individual, and it is this drive and desire to be the best he can be that has resulted in the renowned man he is today. A good-natured if serious man, Kanetsugu is kind and respectful, but he is also somewhat reserved compared to his peers. He has been seen to be overly stoic at times, but he can be friendly and warm to those he knows. He has garnered the nickname “Taka-chan” from his friend Hashira Sanada, a jibe at his overly formal dialogue combined with the Kijin word for “hawk”, part of his moniker. Kanetsugu himself has grown attached to the name, having been mildly irritated by it in the past, though to outsiders his nickname is the "White Hawk of Osaka". As he got older Kanetsugu learned how to identify when he should remain firm and when he should loosen up a bit, and as such has become a more approachable person than he was when he was younger.

Unbeknownst to most people who don’t know him, Kanetsugu has a deep love for the beauty of all things. He appreciates the simple patterns and images that one can find in nature, particularly in the colors he sees. This is reflected in both his work and his life, where he makes every effort to add aesthetic value to everything, as well as function. Though he is quiet about it, his artistic tendencies can be gleaned from certain things, such as the elaborate detail he has put on his weapon’s scabbard or the elegant flair he uses when he draws kanji. This was also one of the main driving factors in his eagerness to volunteer for the reconnaissance missions in Asmir Ka’Lesa, alongside his sense of duty. He couldn’t wait to see what beauty he could find outside his people’s home.

In terms of his clan, Kanetsugu is mindful and respectful of Nakamura clan traditions, Particularly their renown as masters of the dark arts of stealth and information gathering, and as such he has immersed himself in the study of those fields, in addition to his avid swordsmanship training. As the Nakamura clan was not a typical family structure, Kanetsugu has also inherited a certain detachment from the more political aspects of clan interaction, preferring to focus on his training and his assigned duties. He doesn’t bear any dislike for the more formal and ceremonial aspects of his clan duties, more a simple indifference to it. To him, it’s just part of the job. He has excelled at what his family expects from him, and he seeks nothing more than to continue serving his family and bringing honor to their name through his work in the Black Lotus.

Kanetsugu does share a somewhat adversarial relationship with his younger brother, Kojiro. There is not bad blood per se, but rather an intense rivalry stemming from Kojiro’s competitiveness towards his older brother, with both driven to prove their worth as potential heirs to the Nakamura clan. While Kanetsugu would traditionally be expected to be the next-in-line, their father has determined that the one he sees to have upheld the Nakamura tradition the most with honor and skill will earn the position. Shinsuke Nakamura is a tough and uncompromising leader and father, but he is the basis for the honorable streaks in both of his sons. Shinsuke holds the honor and integrity of his clan to the highest standard, and expects the same standards from his own flesh and blood just as much as anyone else in the clan. Both Kanetsugu and Kojiro treat their father with the utmost respect, both of them considering Shinsuke’s tutelage and his constant pushing as invaluable resources in their journeys.

Speaking of which, his family-inspired honor is a major tenet of Kanetsugu’s day-to-day life also. He deeply respects the rights of others, especially in terms of ritual combat and battlefield conduct. Despite his occupation as a member of the Black Lotus, when it comes to combat Kanetsugu is completely honest and respectful. He sees martial contests as a true test of character and skill, and approaches his opponents with the same reverence and respect. Kanetsugu will fight fairly and firmly, but there are several lines he will never cross. He will avoid attacking a helpless or unarmed opponent unless absolutely necessary, and he will never use under-handed tactics, even if he is at a disadvantage himself. This is not to say that he will hesitate to complete any particularly unsavory missions for the Lotus, but he distinguishes honest martial contests with the combat he engages in as part of his duties.

Over the course of his lifetime, Kanetsugu has encountered a few people who have impacted his life and helped shape the man he is today. The main contributors so far have been Asaka Tsuno and Hashira Sanada. Kanetsugu and Asaka have maintained a consistent rivalry for most of their lives, stemming from when they first encountered each other as kids. Their driven natures led them to compete against each other constantly in various fields, but their main rivalry to this point has been based on the art of swordsmanship. Asaka is one of the most gifted sword-wielders of her generation, and Kanetsugu sees it as an honor when they spar. Though he has yet to actually defeat his longtime rival, the skill gap has closed over time, to the point where Kanetsugu was able to force a draw in their most recent encounter.

This relationship has encouraged Kanetsugu to pursue swordsmanship to complement his other skills, but it also generated its own intrigue and problems along the way. Their early meetings came about as they were the subject of a marriage arrangement between their families, though that arrangement later collapsed as they both opposed the concept. Kanetsugu has quietly considered Asaka to be a friend from that point on, though her demeanor and behavior would indicate that Asaka’s view of Kanetsugu is that of a respected rival and nothing more. Still, they do have a lot in common, so it was natural that they would gravitate towards each other in some capacity.

Kanetsugu’s friendship with Hashira Sanada, on the other hand, came about through years of working together in the Lotus. Kanetsugu’s duties often involve reporting to the various heads of the other Lotuses, particularly the White Lotus as they carry out most of the external work of the Lotus, and as such he has been exposed to the laidback and easy-going nature of their leader. Over the years Hashira has chipped away at Kanetsugu’s stoic and professional exterior, to the point where the two men have formed an amicable working relationship. While respectful of most other people in the Lotus, Kanetsugu has acclimatized to Hashira and even contributes the odd wisecrack comment when around him.

  • Hashira Sanada and Asaka Tsuno: Kanetsugu originally tried to keep the Taichō of the White Lotus at arm’s length, but over time Hashira has grown on him and they have become friends. Kanetsugu’s relationship with Asaka Tsuno is not quite the same, being more of a respectful rivalry, though he does consider Asaka a friend, even if she disagrees.
  • Beauty: Kanetsugu loves to experience the beauty that exists in the world. He makes sure that everything he does has some intrinsic elegance, with his equipment and garb reflecting this trait.
  • Upholding the Nakamura Honor: Kanetsugu’s main goal in life is to add to his family’s already impressive history. He works hard at every aspect of his life to make sure that he lives up to the Nakamura name with honor and respect, holding himself to a high standard of conduct.


  • Dishonorable Conduct: Kanetsugu disapproves of any behavior that he considers unbefitting of an honorable Kijin. He maintains a strict moral code and puts his family and his people before himself, and expects others to do the same.
  • Taking Shortcuts: Kanetsugu believes that hard work is its own reward, and he looks down on those who go out of their way to avoid such work.
  • Undead: Kanetsugu believes the art of necromancy to be the very antithesis of the honor and duty he swears to uphold. To him, the act of violating the body of a fallen warrior to serve one’s own ends is abhorrent.


  • The Fall of an Empire: Kanetsugu does everything for the good of the Kijin. If he would be forced to see his people fail, either from without or within, it would destroy him utterly.
  • The End of a Line: Kanetsugu is keenly aware of the importance of his family line. While he does not have children of his own yet, the offspring of his sister Saya are of great importance to him, not only as their uncle, but as a defender of the Nakamura clan. The loss of progeny and the prospect of the end of his family line would be devastating.
  • Disgrace: Probably the fear that drives Kanetsugu the most in his day-to-day life. The idea of disgracing himself or his clan is an intolerable one, and one he seeks to avoid everyday.


Height: 6’
Weight: 155 lbs
Appearance: Kanetsugu appears as a handsome and athletically-built man, with a figure that presents both strength and speed. Kanetsugu has his shoulder-length black hair tied up in a choppy Eastern-style do, and his blue eyes convey both genuinity and cautiousness. He possesses many scars on his body from his life as a warrior, and moves with grace and purpose, despite his masculine build.
Kanetsugu Nakamura Latest10
Clothing: Kanetsugu can usually be found in traditional Nakamura-style clan regalia, often favoring loose-fitting clothing in his spare time. When in combat, he wears a relatively light outfit, eschewing heavier armor in favor of maneuverability, as his occupation as an intelligence officer requires speed and stealth. His outfit for combat consists of a navy kimono with a royal blue and gold tunic over it. Over this is a sleeveless white coat with the kanji for "flash" (閃), the kanji for "penalty" (誅), and white feathers, symbolizing his nickname of “White Hawk of Nakamura”. He completes the outfit with black shinobi trousers and boots, with steel shin guards that are shaped to his legs in order to prevent noise and preserve mobility.

Fighting Style

General Fighting Tactics: Kanetsugu is a well-rounded fighter who specializes in both speed and adaptability. The Nakamura clan does not maintain their own sword style like some of the other noble clans, instead running an academy for the dark arts of stealth and subterfuge. However, one of their most important tenets has aided Kanetsugu’s swordplay considerably: the importance of one’s surroundings. Kanetsugu has incorporated this training in with techniques he has learned from other sword schools, such as the Tsuno and the Sanada, in order to create his own distinctive fighting style best-suited for him. Kanetsugu prides himself on the adaptability of his style of combat, a style he calls the "Five-Form Blade Style". He combines aspects of every school he had studied under, creating a unique style consisting of the Power and Speed styles of the Tsuno school, the Sanada Rush and Defense styles, and the Nakamura ninjutsu sword discipline. His experience with the various different Kijin martial arts have allowed him to maximize his utility across many different situations. His main aim is to flow like water, becoming whatever the situation needs him to be.

Kanetsugu is a single-weapon combatant. He heavily favors iaijutsu, combat techniques that revolve around combining the unsheathing action with an attack, thus being mindful of any threats and maximising his reaction speed. This is his default approach, but he will change things up when he adapts to his opponent. Against lightly armored and quick opponents, Kanetsugu will use a rapid style similar to Kendo, aiming to tag his opponent with quick strikes to the limbs. Against more heavily-armored and stronger opponents, he will utilize a more evasive strategy, allowing his ninjutsu training to come to the forefront by using his freerunning and acrobatic skills to dodge and move to avoid damaging blows, before surprising his opponent with a well-placed and crisp counter. Though he possesses decent physical strength, Kanetsugu prefers to focus on speed and technique over power.

Combat Stats-

Strength || Average
Speed || Good
Agility || Good
Durability || Poor
Stamina || Average
Magical Power || Average


  • The Style of No Styles: Kanetsugu has spent a large portion of his years training his blade skill and developing his own distinctive weapon style. He is capable of holding his own against a wide variety of styles, with his fighting techniques centered around adaptability. He flows like water from technique to technique, making near instantaneous decisions on the fly.
  • Nakamura Ninjutsu: As a proud member of the Nakamura Clan, Kanetsugu has of course devoted his life to the mastery of the dark arts of the Nakamura School of Ninjutsu. He has adapted the skills he has mastered here to his swordplay, utilizing his surroundings and his agility to shape the battlefield to his needs. He is an exemplary freerunner and acrobat, allowing him to control the fight with his peerless maneuverability.
  • Know Your Battlefield: The central tenet of Nakamura Ninjutsu is to always be mindful of the world around you. You could be an unparalleled technical fighter, but if you are unaware of your surroundings you will have a hard time against anyone. Kanetsugu has embraced this philosophy, working hard on his battlefield vision. He is adept at keeping himself in good spots on a battlefield, making sure he knows where the enemy is at all times, as well as potential allies and potential escape routes. Kanetsugu is a difficult man to track down, and an even more difficult man to pin down.


  • One with the Shadows: For a reason that his clan have been so far unable to understand, all Nakamura family members have a severe weakness to light-based energy attacks. Perhaps their affinity to the dark arts has come with a price? (25% extra damage from Light-energy attacks)
  • Banefire: Kanetsugu has another weakness that seems to be limited to just himself. He is particularly vulnerable to fire attacks, though he can still use torches and other flammable tools without fear. (25% extra damage from fire-based attacks)
  • Magical Focus: Kanetsugu has spent his life perfecting the magical aspects of his craft, to the detriment of his physical intensity training. While he possesses decent stamina, he has spent far more time exploring his magical limits, and so he lacks the deep reserves that other fighters possess near the tail-end of fights. Kanetsugu cannot reach Exhaustion Stage 3, instead reaching his absolute limit after Stage 2 ends.


Primary Equipment
Name: Crescent Rose
Type: Katana
Kanetsugu Nakamura Handma10
Crescent Rose is a masterpiece of weaponsmithing that Kanetsugu was heavily involved in the construction of. A combination of form and function, the weapon is as much a work of art as it is a device of combat. The blade is shaped like a typical katana blade, though slightly longer than normal at 36 inches long, and is a striking purple color. The blade also has a double fuller to reduce weight for the longer blade. The tsuba is a rounded square design, made of enchanted steel like the blade, and the habaki bears a carving of Kanetsugu’s "flash" (閃) and "penalty" (誅) kanji that also appear on the back of his coat. The tsuka is 8 inches long and wrapped in a white cloth. The saya is designed in the same elegant style as the blade itself, being pure white with an elaborate painting of a rose just over halfway down, and comes with a white sageo attached to the enchanted steel kurikata.

Name: Rosebloom Slice
Type: Offensive
Damage Category: Varies
Description: On command Crescent Rose becomes enveloped in a purple aura. The weapon can then be used to absorb a single magical attack. The attack is dissipated, but Kanetsugu still suffers the damage as pure energy feedback from the weapon. Once an attack is blocked, the blade’s glow will turn bright red, and Kanetsugu will have until the end of his next post to discharge the absorbed attack, in the form of an energy slash 5 ft long and with a range of 30 ft. The slash will have the same damage category as the attack absorbed, and this ability will have the same cooldown. This ability cannot absorb Very Strong attacks.
Cooldown: Varies

Secondary Equipment
Name: Kanetsugu’s Tanto
Type: Tanto
Kanetsugu Nakamura Ezgif_11
Kanetsugu keeps a tanto that he was given in his youth. He uses it as an all-purpose blade out in the field, also resorting to it if he is caught without his sword. The blade is 8 inches long. The tsuka is 4 inches with the same white cloth wrapping that Crescent Moon has, and the same white scabbard, though he hasn’t gotten around to putting any more designs on this one, besides his family kanji on the habaki.

Extra Equipment
Name: Nakamura Smoke Bombs
Type: Thrown Support
These small capsules contain an alchemical mixture that creates a plume of smoke when exposed to air. Kanetsugu can throw them at the ground to create a smokescreen to cover his retreat. The smokescreen has a radius of 10 foot and is centered on the spot where the smoke bomb hits. The smoke is a sooty black, and obscures vision for a post before dissipating rapidly.
Amount: 2
Cost: 200

Name: Nakamura Flash Bombs
Type: Thrown Support
These small round orbs are made of a volatile alchemical compound that creates a powerful flash when it impacts with something hard. The flash is bright enough to blur vision for one post in a 10 ft radius.
Amount: 2
Cost: 200

Name: Nakamura Sonic Bombs
Type: Thrown Support
These metallic capsules contain an alchemical mixture that sets off a violent sonic reaction when exposed to air. The effect causes no damage but will affect the hearing of anybody caught in the radius, reducing their hearing effectiveness for one post in a 10 ft radius.
Amount: 2
Cost: 200

Abyssal Form

Abyssal Powers

Name: Abyssal Surge
Type: Support
Damage Category: N/A
Description: The Kijin harnesses the abyss and merges the power with one of their other abilities, or into their blade. This infusion adds weak damage to their next magical or physical attack, and counts as abyssal energy in regards to resistances. If the next attack is a multiple attack ability, this power only affects the first attack.
Cooldown: 1 post cooldown.

Name: Abyssal Kunai
Type: Offensive
Damage Category: Very Weak
Description: Kanetsugu can materialize a kunai in his hand, made of pure abyssal energy. He can then throw it at a target or try to stab a nearer opponent with it, though in both cases it dissipates as soon as it hits anything. If it hits somebody, it deals Very Weak damage to them. The kunai can be thrown as far as someone of Kanetsugu’s strength could through a physical kunai. He can throw 10 before the cooldown kicks in, and he can only create one at a time.
Cooldown: 1 post after 10 kunai are used


Name: Devilchain Jutsu
Type: Support
Damage Category: N/A
Description: Kanetsugu manifests a 20ft long chain from his hand, using it to grapple enemies at a distance. The chain has the tensile strength of steel, meaning it can be broken with sufficient strength, but he can’t use it to actually inflict damage. The chain appears as a glowing red metallic rope. Kanetsugu can use this chain in a few ways. He can use it to grapple someone and pull them towards him, or him towards them if they are stronger and/or heavier than him. He can also use it to grab far away objects, or grapple fixed points to pull himself towards to escape situations. The chain exists for a post, and if it is used to try and grapple a character it requires their owner’s permission.
Cooldown: 1 post.

Name: Substitution Jutsu
Type: Support
Damage Category: N/A
Description: Kanetsugu teleports away, leaving a copy of himself behind. When struck this copy turns into a log with a puff of smoke. He can teleport up to 50ft.
Cooldown: 3 post.

Name: Barrier Jutsu
Type: Defensive
Damage Category: Weak
Description: Kanetsugu creates a circle on the ground around his feet, out around a foot from his body. The circle then projects a protective cylindrical barrier up around Kanetsugu, made of abyssal energy. The barrier blocks up to Average damage before shattering, and lasts only for a split second to block an attack. If an attack stronger than Average damage hits it, the barrier shatters and the attack’s damage is just reduced by Average damage.
Cooldown: 3 posts

Advanced Abyssal Form

Kanetsugu Nakamura Pngegg10
When Kanetsugu assumes this form, he appears with a more demonic look mixed with heavy shinobi themes. His outfit becomes skin-tight and spike-like formations appear on his triceps and quads, and his face is covered by a more elaborate version of his Black Lotus mask. The whole outfit consists of various shades of blacks and purples, with the only exception being the white mask.

New Abyssal Powers

Name: Abyssal Shikigami
Type: Offensive
Damage Category: Weak
Description: Kanetsugu creates 4 dark Kijin symbols around him, each roughly the size of a buckler shield. The shikigami last for 3 posts, orbiting around Kanetsugu’s head. At any point before they expire, Kanetsugu can launch them with his mind at a target. On contact with the target, the shikigami detonates in a small explosion that deals weak abyss energy damage. The shikigami can be detonated manually, but they have to travel at least 10 ft before they can, and they cannot be detonated while they are still orbiting Kanetsugu’s head.
Cooldown: 5 posts

New Powers

Name: Chidori
Type: Offense
Damage Category: Average
Description: Kanetsugu’s hand becomes enveloped by an electrical force that he generates from his own energy. After concentrating all of his energy into his arm, Kanetsugu uses his quickness and the power of the thrust from the energy to pierce any object with the extended forearm. The energy field projects a blade of lightning, around a foot long. The blade can be swung or thrusted, but only exists for a single attack. If Kanetsugu hits with it, it inflicts Strong lightning damage, and goes through armor, though the armor is not actually damaged, and shields that block magic will block it.
Cooldown: 4 posts

Name: Shadowcloak Jutsu
Type: Support
Damage Category: None
Description: Kanetsugu can render himself invisible for a short time. He cannot attack or use abilities while this is active, or it ends immediately. He can move while this is active, but there is a slight distortion effect, though this is nearly unnoticeable to the untrained eye. It lasts for 1 post.
Cooldown: 5 posts

Name: Kanetsugu’s Honor Guard
Type: Defensive
Damage Category: Strong
Description: Kanetsugu creates a wall of spectral soldiers in front of him. The soldiers form a shield wall and block the next attack that comes their way. The wall is 20 ft across and appears up to 10 ft in front of Kanetsugu, protecting him and anything else behind it. The soldiers are made of pure abyss energy, and exist for a post or until an attack hits the shield wall, whichever comes first, at which point the wall will dissipate. The shield wall will fully block an attack of Strong damage or less, and will reduce that much damage from any attack that is stronger than that.
Cooldown: 4 posts

Boosts: Strength +1, Speed +1, Agility +1, Magical Power +1

Final Abyssal Form

Kanetsugu Nakamura D7gjti10
Kanetsugu’s appearance in this form is one that combines the functionality of his previous form and the beauty he admires in the world around him. The outfit is similar to his Advanced Abyssal form, but with several key differences. First, his tunic has short sleeves, and the spikes that were present before are now gone. Secondly the entire outfit is a dazzling white, reflecting the beauty of light and the divine power he now wields.

New Abyssal Powers

Name: Abyssal Flight
Type: Support
Damage Category: None
Description: Kanetsugu’s body begins emitting a black lightning-like aura as abyssal energy pulses through his muscles and tendons. Kanetsugu gains a +1 increase to Speed and a +2 increase to Agility for 2 posts.
Cooldown: 5 posts

New Powers

Name: Divine Embrace
Element: Divine Energy
Description: Kanetsugu’s hands and forearms become enveloped in a warm light, and his eyes become completely white. In contrast to Abyssal Embrace, Kanetsugu tends to use the stronger options often, only using the smaller projectiles against particularly weak opponents.
Effect: Kanetsugu is skilled in the manipulation of a chosen element. He can manipulate his element in several ways like throwing out waves, balls and blasts that can travel up to 50ft, or shoot it as small projectiles up to 130ft. Elemental manipulation attacks deal damage based on that element. Larger blasts and waves deal average damage but travel slower, and smaller projectiles travel faster and deal less damage.
Duration/Cooldown: 3 post duration with power points reduced by 2 for the duration, 4 post cooldown.

Name: Kanetsugu’s Aid
Type: Healing
Description: Kanetsugu, hands glow with a warm light, and the light pulses like a heartbeat. Kanetsugu then places his hands on the target and channels divine energy into them to heal them. He cannot heal himself with this ability. Heals wounds inflicted by Dark Energy 1 post faster.
Effect: As long as contact is maintained, the target's wounds will be healed. The more severe the wounds, the longer this healing will take. The scale is as follows:
Damage CategoryTime neededExamples
Light1 postCuts, bruises, hairline bone fractures, light burns
Moderate2 postsDeep lacerations, minor bone fractures, moderate burns
Heavy3 postsMulti-layer lacerations, bone breaks, 3rd degree burns
Severe4 postsMinor organ damage, Multi-point bone breaks, severed limbs, charred flesh
Critical5 postsModerate organ damage, severed limbs, major blood loss
Limbs can be reattached using this healing, but not regrown using this method of healing.
Limitation: This ability requires hands on contact. Cannot be used if the user is in the second stage of Exhaustion State or higher. Only restores the target's physical body. It does not restore their stamina or magical energy.

Name: Hikari To Kage
Type: Offensive
Damage Category: Very Strong
Description: A large glowing kanji symbol appears in each of Kanetsugu’s hands, each the size of a saucer. On his right hand is “light” (光) and on his left is “shadow” (影). He then put his hands together, his palms forward with the thumbs and index fingers touching each other to form a small diamond shape. A large beam of energy erupts from his hands, composed of both divine and abyss energy. The beam is a dark purple with a substantial white lightning effect enveloping it, and it is 2 feet wide and travels up to 100 ft. When the beam hits something, it causes an explosion with a radius 15 ft. Anything caught in the blast suffers Very Strong damage, with half of the damage being divine energy and the other half being abyss energy.
Cooldown: 6 posts

New Boosts: Strength +1, Speed +2, Agility +2, Durability +1, Magical Power +2


Early Life
Kanetsugu Nakamura was born into the Nakamura noble clan in 796 of the Second Age to Shinsuke and Suzuka Nakamura. Shinsuke was the head of the clan, a tough but fair patriarch who was firm on his subordinates but rewarded excellence and loyalty. Suzuka was a loving mother to her child, and supported her husband from the shadows, as befitting her prior life as a kunoichi. Because of his direct lineage, a tremendous amount of expectation was placed on Kanetsugu’s shoulders from a young age. This pressure to live up to the reputation of his clan and family was heavy, but Kanetsugu did not allow it to crush him, instead embracing it and using it as fuel and inspiration throughout his life. This dedication and ambition would serve Kanetsugu well as he navigated life as a scion of one of the noble houses of the Kijin.

Kanetsugu’s early life was heavily regimented as he dedicated himself to his training in the legendary Nakamura ninjutsu arts, mastering everything from stealth tactics to martial forms. He excelled at everything he put his mind to, and was proving himself to have incredible potential. Young Kanetsugu also took a great interest in sword combat, admiring the beauty and artistry of the various forms and styles that he encountered. He also appreciated that being an able combatant with a blade would serve to complement his other skills and make him a more well-rounded operator. To this end, he sought permission from his father to begin training with the swordmasters of the other noble clans, including the Tsuno and the Sanada, convincing Shinsuke of the benefits of an expanded education and skill set.

When Kanetsugu was twenty-nine, he found himself in a peculiar predicament. The young scion of the Tsuno clan, a promising young girl named Asaka, was seen by her clan as a useful way to strengthen ties with another clan. The Nakamura clan was approached first, and so an agreement for an arranged marriage was negotiated on behalf of Asaka and Kanetsugu. The two were encouraged to spend time together, but it became clear quite quickly that neither participant was particularly eager for the wedding, and it was eventually called off. On Kanetsugu’s part, the reason was simply that he did not wish to divert any time from his training on a marriage that was arranged on his behalf. He did however form a rivalry with the young Tsuno when he trained at her clan’s school. He was no match for Asaka’s purely sword-based training and natural gifts, but he enjoyed his spars with her nonetheless, and he got better everyday. This rivalry would last to the present day, though neither side let it adversely affect their studies.

Kanetsugu studied well, learning and experimenting with many different approaches and philosophies. The Tsuno style was a very quick and precise style that emphasised technical ability and focus, as well as adaptability in combat. The Sanada style, in contrast, was a more direct style that focused on single combat, rewarding physical prowess and aggression by complementing it with skill and refinement. Kanetsugu married the principles of both schools with his own ninjutsu training from the Nakamura school to form a hybrid skill set that lent itself to his work and his life. The Tsuno school in particular was a very harsh test, with Kamatori’s notoriously tough methods forcing Kanetsugu to find a strength and resolve in himself that he did not know he had. He studied well, and carved a reputation for himself as a capable and renowned operative. Much was expected of him as the son of Shinsuke Nakamura, and he did his best to deliver. He would not have to bear the burden of the family name for too long though, as a sibling soon arrived to endure his own trials.

Binary Sons
Thirty-four years after Kanetsugu’s birth, Suzuka and Shinsuke welcomed another son into the Nakamura clan, named Kojiro Nakamura. Kanetsugu was immediately very protective of his younger brother, but it soon became clear that Kojiro had no intention of living in his elder sibling’s shadow. Kanetsugu and Kojiro soon began a sibling rivalry as the younger Nakamura wanted to make a name for himself amongst the Kijin, independent of Kanetsugu. He trained heavily in the Nakamura ninjutsu and swordsmanship, but focused only on that, determined to surpass his brother in their family’s sacred arts. Kanetsugu used his brother’s motivations to fuel his own drive and ambition, and he studied even harder, joining the Yokuda City armed forces to add a regimented structure to his training. Kojiro did not, instead choosing to focus on joining the upper echelons of his clan.

Kanetsugu served for almost eighty years, filling every position from rank-and-file to reconnaissance. He learned much from his time as a soldier, adding perspective for when he eventually became a higher-ranking member of the Nakamura clan ninjas. Though his younger brother was beginning to surpass him in the ninja arts, Kanetsugu’s journey had made him a much more well-rounded person. Kanetsugu continued his rivalry with Asaka too, though it became clear that the Tsuno’s focus on swordsmanship was making it difficult to catch up to her, though the gap did close slowly. Kojiro’s focus on Nakamura arts meant that he never really encountered Asaka but for occasional passes-by, and he remained a highly inferior swordsman to both his own brother and Asaka.

Treachery and the Great River
As things progressed, Kanetsugu noticed that swordsmanship was not the only focus of Asaka. The rift between the Tsuno clan and their offshoots, the Kuroi-Tsuno clan, was well-documented, and the latter’s exile and subsequent descent into banditry and treachery was a sore point amongst the Tsuno clan. None more so than Asaka and her father. Asaka had risen through the ranks of the Tsuno school, and was now a fighter of such skill that she was being mentioned in the same conversation as her father. But the Kuroi-Tsuno question had long been on her mind.

Kanetsugu was in agreement, of course. The Kuroi-Tsuno were a scourge and a menace to Yokuda with their constant raids and meddling. His own clan had put vast effort into locating the base for the disgraced clan, but so far the Kuroi-Tsuno had eluded them. For Asaka and her father though, this had become very personal. There were some small successes though. Asaka had led many missions and hit Kuroi-Tsuno camps that Kanetsugu and his clansmen had uncovered, but there seemed to be little headway being made. This changed one day, when Asaka challenged and defeated one of Eijiro Kuroi-Tsuno’s top warriors in a duel. Asaka said nothing to him, but Kanetsugu knew her well-enough to know when she was concealing something.

So the next night, after a sparring session, Asaka had excused herself early, which was unusual enough for her. Concerned for her but not wanting to antagonise her by letting her know, Kanetsugu bid her good night before retrieving his equipment and following her in the shadows. He enlisted Hashira Sanada for back-up, a trusted training partner and capable warrior. Asaka left the city and headed for a remote gully near a cave opening, and Kanetsugu followed like a guardian angel in the shadows. As he suspected, Asaka was here for a reason she knew he would disapprove of. From behind a large boulder stepped Eijiro Kuroi-Tsuno. Kanetsugu perched above another large outcropping, using his attire and distance as cover from detection.

Asaka had been summoned to duel Eijiro, and though it was plain for the world to see that it was a trap, Asaka’s personal stake in this story had led her to walk right into it. Eijiro told her that she had to get through his best men first, before she could duel him. By then Asaka was surrounded, and she had no choice but to agree. One by one, Asaka expertly dispatched the fearsome warriors, though she had sustained an injury from the last one. She challenged Eijiro, the man grinning from ear to ear as he stepped forward and began his assault. Asaka was good, but the combination of fatigue and injury meant that he soon began to overpower her. She managed to stab the man in the foot with her tanto, but this only served to escalate the situation.

Eijiro yelled for his men to kill Asaka, and Kanetsugu made his move. Hurling a pair of smoke bombs either side of Asaka. Using the distraction, he leapt from his perch as he hurled a pair of flash bombs, and landed into a roll that brought him to Asaka’s side. Grabbing her arm, Kanetsugu dragged her towards his chosen escape route. Hashira had taken the cue to move in and cover their escape. The Sanada warrior stepped in, cutting down a couple of pursuers and using his wolf ability to distract the rest. Asaka began to struggle until she realised who it was that had taken her. Once they had reached safety, Asaka demanded to know why Kanetsugu was there. He explained that he had detected her change in mood, and suspected she might be doing something foolish like that.

While they had both forsaken their betrothal in order to focus on their careers, Kanetsugu still considered Asaka to be a good friend, even if she had forgotten that at times, and he knew when something was troubling her. Asaka seemed to accept this and Kanetsugu agreed not to tell her father about coming out here. In exchange, Asaka agreed to keep sparring with him and helping him improve his own combat skills. There was an air of acceptance and relief now, as they now knew where each other stood. Asaka now knew that whatever came next, Kanetsugu was there to watch her back.

Changing Times
Upon completion of his military service, Kanetsugu rejoined his main clan organisation and integrated himself as a Nakamura ninja. He quickly got up to speed with the various recon and intel missions the clan engaged in, and quickly rose up the ranks to the level his younger brother was at. It was when he reached the age of one-hundred-and-fifty when the dynamic of Kijin civilization was altered forever. Kijin soldiers were attacked by soldiers of unknown origin from the Shino territory, seemingly raised from the dead. The Council was in near-panic, a state that only intensified when an outsider from beyond the caverns was apprehended and brought before the Council. The stranger, identifying himself as Merlin, described a foul magic he had detected from the area and told them of his desire to investigate the source.

Investigations followed, and through the combined efforts of Taisho Sanada and Merlin they were able to pinpoint the source of the attacks to the Shino clan estate. Kanetsugu and Kojiro were part of the Nakamura clan intelligence team that were sent in to get a proper view of what was going on. The findings were dire, and Kanetsugu would never forget the horrors he witnessed that were perpetrated by clan Shino. Thus a decision was made to destroy clan Shino, for the sake of the Kijin as a whole. The prospect of such dark magic being used to resurrect Murakumo was unthinkable. Clan Sanada took the lead, though clan Tsuno also volunteered, adamant that they would share the burden of what they were about to do together. Shinsuke remained uninvolved with this plan, as the Nakamura clan had always been neutral in inter-clan affairs. The Shino were completely wiped out in the incident which would become known as the Black Night.

In the aftermath of the Black Night, the Council was convened to discuss the future of the Kijin people. It was decided that a new special organisation would be set up to protect the Kijin as their last and best line of defence against future threats like the Shino. Thus the Lotus was formed. The Lotus was split into five divisions, each one performing a particular function to the whole. The Black Lotus was the Nakamura clan’s contribution, and their ninja organisation was integrated into the new organisation to provide intelligence and reports to the Lotus for the other divisions. Kanetsugu and Kojiro were not recruited immediately, as Shinsuke wanted all of his prospective members to be on an equal footing, regardless of lineage. Kanetsugu thus got to work training for the trials that Shinsuke devised, as the Kijin people began to adjust to the new system.

The Rise of the White Hawk of Osaka
Two years later, Kanetsugu was selected by an independent panel for admission into the Black Lotus upon completion of his trials. Kojiro had also been admitted a year before, and both brothers served with distinction for many years. The brothers’ rivalry intensified, much to the mixed reaction of Shinsuke. While the competitiveness of the siblings drove both to new heights, it also posed problems when the in-fighting became too intense, with the rivalry becoming far more personal than Kanetsugu’s competition with Asaka ever was. Both men were reprimanded on more than one occasion, and though it took some time, both of them eventually agreed to put differences aside when on duty, though this was tested again when Kanetsugu was promoted to vice-captain. Kojiro was angry at first, but he simply vowed to do better and redoubled his efforts in training.

Kanetsugu’s duties for the Black Lotus took up much of his time over the next few decades, his clan name providing a level of expectation that surpassed that of his peers. However, in his spare time he took up many hobbies, striking a balance between improvement of his skills and betterment of his life. He began painting, taking a great interest in the traditional kanji of his people, and he studied philosophy with the elders. His wisdom increased, and with it his appreciation for the bigger picture. Despite his varied interests, Kanetsugu always made time for his main passion of swordsmanship. This pursuit of martial mastery made him a few friends along the way, and he relied on his friends to help him develop even more as a ninja and as a man.

Kanetsugu had met Hashira Sanada during his formative years when he trained at his clan’s training school. He knew Sanada by name and reputation, but had not had the chance to make a proper acquaintance until they found themselves both serving in the Lotus. Though they served in different divisions, with Hashira being captain of the White Lotus, their duties required a good amount of interaction, even more so when Kanetsugu was promoted to vice-captain of the Black Lotus, twenty-five years after joining. Kanetsugu and Hashira were complete opposites in both personality and outlook, with the easy-going Hashira’s reluctance to lead his family in stark contrast to Kanetsugu’s burning desire to do just that for his own clan. The two men complemented each other with these differences however, and Kanetsugu found himself acclimating to Hashira’s unique brand of humour.

Another recurring face was that of Asaka, who had also joined the Lotus at its inception, taking up the position of Red Lotus Captain. The frequent duels and spars continued, and though they were never particularly close, they did harbour a deep respect for each other's abilities, and the business with their previous arranged marriage was put firmly behind them. Kanetsugu had by now excelled as a swordsman, and his most recent spar with Asaka ended in a draw, which surprised him almost as much as it surprised Asaka. He took pride in his progress from the early days of being thoroughly outmatched by her, but he never bragged. Asaka was incensed that she had been held to a draw by a man she was in a different league to once upon a time, and she vowed to make sure she stayed ahead in the future.

New Horizons
Another change Kanetsugu had to contend with was the new focus on the world outside of the cavern housing Yokuda City. Rumours had floated around but nothing substantial had ever been noted until the appearance of Merlin just prior to the Black Night. Once the Lotus was established, a new initiative was proposed to make landfall on the surface and to keep tabs on the various nations and factions up there. Merlin had given them some information, but it was decided that more intel was needed. The Black Lotus spearheaded this new initiative, sending operatives out periodically to infiltrate the various settlements and gather as much intelligence as possible to report back with. The operatives were sent out in shifts in order to keep fresh eyes on the surroundings, and so all of the Black Lotus members saw action at some point.

Kanetsugu and Kojiro were frequently on the same team to be sent out, and they were very successful. The Council gained huge amounts of intel to process, and they soon had a good grasp of what the general state of the surface world was. Kanetsugu was fascinated by the different cultures of the surface, finding many excuses to visit Mith Verdanus in particular, the city being the cultural and artistic focal point of the Human Kingdom of Mondolin. The surface world also turned out to be a volatile place, with violence being commonplace, especially in the region known as the Free Lands. The Humans engaged a race known as the Asentari in a short but bloody conflict, but Kanetsugu was impressed at how effectively the small faction known as the Order of the Sun managed to de-escalate and eventually stop the battle. A strange incident did occur when a young man named Yurei, who was assigned to one of Kanetsugu’s teams, went missing. The rest of the operatives were ordered to continue gathering intel, while Kanetsugu’s team was tasked with tracking down the young man. It was incidents such as these that made the contributions of Kanetsugu, Kojiro and the rest of the Black Lotus more vital than ever.
Side Notes: (Anything else?)
RP Example: (Give us an example of your rp style. Note, you only need to do this for your first character.)

Last edited by Orgoth on Mon May 02, 2022 3:38 am; edited 5 times in total

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Kanetsugu Nakamura Empty Re: Kanetsugu Nakamura

Post by Zenke Mon Jan 10, 2022 11:49 am

Approved A-5.
Kanetsugu Nakamura Untitl11

Valatrix "Vala" Of The Hornless Clan R-1 Heanta
Bethany "Mercy" Merciallus A-5 Asentari
Korroth Vex Of Clan Vandel R-1 Heanta
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Koranna "Kora" Merciallus A-5 Asentari
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Kanetsugu Nakamura Empty Re: Kanetsugu Nakamura

Post by Jun Thu Jan 13, 2022 10:39 pm


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