Asmir Ka'lesa: Dawn Of A New Age
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Valdyr Kaladris

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Valdyr Kaladris Empty Valdyr Kaladris

Post by Zenke Sun Jun 23, 2024 3:57 pm

Eldross Template

Character information

Name: Valdyr Kaladris
Age: 35
True age: 413
Sex: Male
Personality: Once upon a time, Valdyr was a calm, sensitive soul who protected his homeland and lived in peace and harmony with the forest of Harodiel. He joined the Eldross rangers shortly before the second great war broke out, and eventually became a sentinel. Even after the war he abhorred violence and only fought because he had the strength and knowledge to help, and after, as a sentinel he went out of his way to avoid bloodshed, and only fought to drive intruders away. He rarely killed if it could be helped. He was always happy to see new and familiar faces, he had many friends, a hot flexible wife, and two amazing children. Family was everything to him. And then Onyxus came, and in a single night burnt his life to ashes. Now Valdyr is a recluse, living in the depths of Harodiel’s burned remains.

One might call it providence that he survived the terrible attack of Onyxus the black, but Valdyr would disagree. It was a cruel twist of fate that he survived the claws of Onyxus, while the rest of his family died in the attack. Needless to say such an experience left him broken mentally, but instead of giving up and breaking down, he became violent. Unlike the rangers who patrol the borders and deter entry, Valdyr kills anyone found in the forest without a second thought. Only those accompanied by an Eldross or Eldari are left alone, and in the case of the latter he will continue to follow them as he does not fully trust the Eldari like he would a member of his own race. He hates the world beyond, and anyone who tries to take advantage of what's left of the once glorious forest of Harodiel.

He is easy to anger, and his rage is that of a natural disaster. There is no peace or mercy left in him, or so he believes. Some of this may be the influence of his new animal companion Morgren. The black bloodlust filled wolf has no love for the world, and only respects Valdyr because he saved him from death despite initially hating him.

Somewhere beneath the hate and grief, the old Valdyr exists. He shares a strong bond of friendship with Miral Nerys. He does not mind that she is a former shadow of herself, for they both are. He does believe she can heal, where there is no hope for him or Morgren. Valdyr does not hate other eldross, in fact he would love to see his people return to what they once were. He only keeps his distance because he is afraid to form new connections with those who are left. He knows a few by name such as Shran, but most would not recognise him. Only Miral knows he is alive.

Valdyr revere’s wildlife and nature as much as any Eldross might, and will always go out of his way to protect animals from danger and help them. He hates anyone who treats animals badly, and will attempt to punish them. His reverence for animals includes most magical beasts, including Wyverns and other draconic creatures, however he hates all Dragons, and does not trust Asentari, or Humans and Heanta for that matter.

  • Wilderness: Although he rarely enters an urban setting, Valdyr much prefers the quiet of the wilderness.
  • Animals: He likes all kinds of animals and will not harm them unless its to protect himself.
  • Morgren: He's snarky and vicious, but he's Valdyr’s only companion. Despite their odd joining, they are a good team.

  • Dragons: Dislike is not a strong enough word to explain how he feels about dragons.
  • Trespassers: Valdyr doesn’t get on well with others, but anyone caught trespassing in Harodiel without an Eldross guide is in serious danger. He will not hesitate to attack either.
  • Poachers: Harming animals for monetary gain is a quick ticket to death if Valdyr catches someone doing it, especially around Harodiel.

  • Dragons: He has witnessed first hand the damage a dragon can cause. To not fear them would be folly.
  • finding something worth losing: friendship, love, family. All things he has lost and could lose again, and so he fears to gain them again. Better to be alone.
  • Cities: Too much noise and activity, not enough nature, he dreads entering built up towns and cities.


Valdyr Kaladris 49d92610
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 160lbs
Appearance: Valdyr shares the typical pointed ears and features of eldross, with a wild main of brown hair that falls down his back in thick braids. His eyes are a dark forest green and he has lightly tanned skin. He is tall, with a toned and lean build. His eyes are devoid of happiness, with dark bags underneath. His face is in a perpetual frown.

Valdyr Kaladris Wolfhi10
Clothing: Valdyr wears armour that consists of fenroc hide and plates, wood and a headdress of fenroc fur, with a cloak of fenroc fur to complete it. Tough roots wrap around the torso, and plates of wood carved with glowing runes dangle along his chest. Fenroc plate bracers protect his forearms. A horned mask of white bone hides his face, and altogether gives him the look of a vengeful forest spirit, so that trespassers know they made a mistake coming to Harodiel shortly before their death.

Fighting style

General Fighting Tactics: Valdyr is a master archer that relies on speed and armor to protect himself, while attacking from range with his bow. He is an exceptional shot, and can hit accurately however he is no slouch at close range, having been trained to fight with sword and staff, and could be considered an expert with sword and staff. Hit and run tactics and utilising the terrain to his advantage are all things learned from his years as a sentinel, though in recent years he's used these tactics to terrify and confuse intruders before killing them. He strikes from a distance, hard and fast, before closing to finish any survivors, using his powers if necessary.

His earth based powers are specialised for close range and additional protection, while his wind based abilities focus more on long range and protecting himself from other ranged attacks while also helping to create space to use his bow. His final set of powers are focused on the power of nature's wrath, and harnesses lightning to obliterate his foes and their defences. He also has a variety of potions to assist in combat and in emergencies.

Combat Stats-

Strength || Average
Speed ||  Good
Agility || poor
Durability || Fair
Stamina || Good
Magical power || Good

  • Master Archer: Valdyr is an exceptionally skilled archer, and knows how to put his bow to use both in forests and open plains. He can hit a squirrel in the eye at 100ft, or more commonly a human in the eye at 100 yards.
  • Staff and sword: He is a highly skilled melee combantant when it comes to using his staff and/or sword in combat. Either together or with one. He’s also practiced with using his bow while having one weapon in his draw hand without hindering his aim.

  • Tight quarters: cities with narrow streets, small rooms or cramped conditions hamper his movement and stop him taking advantage of his powerful bow.
  • Fire: Valdyr has both a mental and physical aversion to fire, and takes 25% additional damage from fire on a direct hit.  

Animal Companion

Valdyr Kaladris D6faa810
Animal Name: Morgren
Animal Type: Wolf
Appearance: A large black furred wolf with a vicious scarred face and bright blue eyes. Morgren was an alpha wolf, leader of a massive pack of wolves that lived in and protected Hardoiell. His pack was wiped out by the dragon and the fires. He is Valdyr’s second bonded animal, and far more vicious than his first. Once a magnificent animal, He is twisted and filled with hate. Initially intent on killing Valdyr he harbours a soft spot for the Eldross who saved his life by bonding him, even if he snarls at Valdyr half the time.


Primary Equipment
Name: Eltuìtan
Type: warbow
Valdyr Kaladris Bfe5d510
An ancient warbow of twilight wood, Eltuitan was crafted during the dragon wars to slay dragons, and its name roughly translates to Dragon Foe. It was heavily enchanted by the eldross of old, giving it an assortment of magical arrows it can utilise, including its signature Dragonslayer ability, on top of being able to utilise a variety of physical arrows.

Valdyr Carries 30 arrows especially crafted for use with the bow. These arrows are 28 inches long, 1/3 inch in diameter and have 2 inch broadheads designed to lacerate. He also carries 5 arrows tipped with midnight quartz.


Name: Dragonslayer
Type: Offensive
Damage Category: Strong
Description: Valdyr draws back his bow, forming a solid arrow of energy and charging it with enough magical power that it can pierce through dragon scale or its equivalent while delivering considerable magical damage to the target.
Duration/Cooldown: 5 post cooldown.

Name: Seeker Arrow
Type: Offensive
Damage Category: Very Weak x 5
Description: Valdyr draws back his bow, forming a solid arrow of green energy. The arrow splits apart after leaving the bow into five smaller arrows that fly towards his intended target. These arrows seek the target up to 100ft and deal very weak damage on impact. If dodged they will not turn back around to hit the target, and likewise  they are not capable of going around shields, they will simply aim for the target’s centre mass zip towards them at half the speed of a regular arrow.
Cooldown:  2 post cooldown

Name: Hail of Arrows
Type: Offensive
Damage Category: Very weak x 20
Description: Valdyr fires an arrow formed of green energy into the air, and arrows hail down on a 10ft area around his intended target. It has a range of 150ft.
Cooldown:  3 post cooldown

Cost: 1000(2 additional enchantments + 5 midnight quartz arrows)

Secondary Equipment
Name: Morgren
Type: Staff
Description: Morgren morphs from a wolf into a staff with a helix head that ends in a sharp point. The staff is 6ft long, with a smooth black shaft.

Other Equipment

Name: Sentinel’s blade
Type: Light Melee
Valdyr Kaladris 70067610
A single edged blade of enchanted steel, this weapon is one granted to all Sentinels on joining their ranks. As with everything the Eldross of old produced, the weapon is forged with artistic skill. The blade is 2 inches at its widest, and the sword is 3ft long in total. It was originally a greenish blue hue, but the blade has started to turn black near the handle. Valdyr replaced the original handle with Fenroc Bone.
Cost: 300

Name: Armor of the Forest Wraith
Type: Medium Armor
Description: Medium Armor worn by Valdyr, its made primarily of thick Fenroc hide, reinforced with the fenroc’s armoured plates in the chest and back, forearms and legs. Thick roots of wood decorate the chestpiece. The mask is carved from Fenroc bone, and is tough enough to provide considerable protection to his face, and is attached to a helm of fenroc hide under a headdress of the beast's rangy fur. A cloak of fenroc fur, and several wood plates carved with runes completes the piece.
Cost: 1000

Name: Potion of Healing
Type: Potion
Description: Grants the drinker 2 posts of quickened healing at the cost of one power point per post, and is capable of restoring up to moderate injuries over the course of those two posts. Consult a healer for anything more serious. Cannot cure poison.
Maximum amount: 1
Cost: 500

Custom Powers

Apprentice Powers

Name: Quake
Type: Offensive
Damage Category: average
Description: Valdyr slams his staff into the ground and causes an explosion of earth and stone in a 10ft area around him that deals average damage along with firing up shards of stone that can lacerate anyone not wearing sufficient armour.
Cooldown: 3 post cooldown.

Name: Stone Surge
Type: defensive
Damage Category: N/A
Description: Valdyr covers his armour in a thick layer of stone, granting him armour equivalent to heavy and additional weight, making him difficult to stagger or knock down, at the cost of a -1 penalty to speed. If Valdyr is wearing no armour he gains slashing resistance only from this ability, and not the effects of full heavy armour.
Cooldown: 2 post duration, 3 post cooldown.

Name: Wind Javelin
Type: Offensive
Damage Category: Weak
Description: Valdyr creates a Javelin of concentrated wind in his hand and throws it. It hits for weak damage and creates a wind blast on impact that pushes light objects in a 5ft area away. People with average strength or significant weight and up can resist this. It has a range of 300ft.
Cooldown: 1 post cooldown.

Name: Galeforce
Type: Defensive
Damage Category: N/A
Description:.Valdyr unleashes a powerful blast of wind that forms a dense wall roughly 6x6 foot that travels forward up to 50ft, pushing away anything, including light projectiles and very weak magical attacks, not held down in its path. It deals no damage, excluding being knocked over, but it requires significant weight and strength to resist the push of galeforce.
Cooldown: 1 post cooldown

Regular Powers
Animal Form: A large brown wolf, he stands slightly taller than Morgren in this form.
Enhanced Senses: Hearing, smell and eyesight

Name: Roaring Cyclone
Type: Offensive
Damage Category: Strong
Description:.Valdyr unleashes a powerful cyclone of wind from his staff, dealing strong damage and pushing back anything in it’s path that’s not held down. Significantly heavy or strong characters can withstand this. It extends out in a cone shape in front of his staff with a 25ft reach and expands to 20ft at the widest part of the cone.
Cooldown: 3 post cooldown

Name: Wall of Rock
Type: Defensive
Damage Category: Strong
Description:  A stone wall 5ft long, 5ft high and 2ft thick erupts from the ground at a target area within 30ft of him, providing cover and acting as a barricade to block off areas. The wall is capable of blocking ranged projectiles with ease, and can stop multiple magical attacks before breaking. It can block a total of strong damage worth of magical attacks. It lasts for 3 posts or until it breaks.
Cooldown: 6 post cooldown.

Name: Stone spikes
Type: Offensive
Damage Category: physical piercing x 10
Description: Valdyr swings his staff and a spike of stone pops up out of the ground at an angle towards his target. The spike is 5ft long and deals physical damage based on where it hits, and he can change the angle enough to aim it at different heights. It’s about as thick as a spear shaft. Depending on which direction he swings his staff, will change the direction the spike will come from. A left to right swing will cause the spike to shoot up from the left, and vice versa. He cannot cause a spike to come up from behind the target, or directly underneath them. They can come out of cliffs and other natural terrain, but not buildings or stone constructs made by his or other people’s earth abilities. He can summon these spikes within 30ft of himself, and they cause a slight tremor before underfoot bursting from the ground. He can’t summon more than one per swing of his staff, though he can chain them together with consecutive swings. A very weak magical shield can block one of these spikes, as long as it can block physical. He can summon up to 10 before it goes on cooldown or 2 posts pass.
Cooldown: 3 post cooldown

Name: Wind Surge
Type: Support
Damage Category: N/A
Description: Valdyr glides on the wind with extreme speed, travelling up to 100ft in a relatively straight line in a split second. His passing pushes away very light objects and while he is not incorporeal he gains reaction speeds to deal with the speed he’s moving at, so he’s less likely to run into trees or other obstacles. As soon as he stops he loses this effect. He can't attack or defend while using this.
Cooldown: 3 Post cooldown

Regular Boosts: Strength +1, Speed +1, Magical Power +1, Stamina +1

Hybrid Form Powers

Form Appearance: Valdyr merges with his staff. Fur covers his hands, and his fingers gain sharp talons. His facial features become sharper, and his hair grows longer and shaggier.

Name: Twinned Lightning
Type: Offensive
Damage Category: Strong x2
Description: Valdyr fires dual bolts of lightning from his hand that have a 100ft range and deal strong damage each. He can target the same person or two separate people.
Cooldown: 6 posts.

Name: Lightning Surge
Type: Support
Damage Category: N/A
Description: Lightning crackles across Valdyr’s armour, granting him an Aura that deals very weak damage to anyone who touches him or hits with an unarmed strike, and also gives him a +1 boost to speed. 1 pp maintenance cost per post.
Cooldown: 3 post duration, 3 post cooldown.

Name: Lightning shots
Type: support
Damage Category: Very weak x 10
Description: Valdyr adds an aura of lightning to his bow or sword, can’t be both, and the next ten attacks made with that weapon deal very weak lightning damage on top of their other damage. If he uses an enchantment on his bow it does not deal extra damage but switches the damage type to lightning. It lasts for 2 posts or 10 attacks, whichever comes first.
Cooldown: 3 post cooldown.

Name: Burst Healing
Type: Restorative
Damage Category: N/A
Description: Lightning courses through from valdyr’s hands into the target body, rapidly healing a single target wound. It can seal up a severe wound, or reattach a limb, however it costs a single post of stamina to heal the wound in question, as well as the powerpoints in question. He can heal himself or others with this ability, and drains the stamina from the target. It’s costly, but fast.
Cooldown: 5 post cooldown.

Hybrid Form Boosts: Strength +2, Speed +2, Magical Power +1, Stamina +2, Durability +1



Early Life

Valdyr was born in 588, a time of relative peace for the Eldross when the forest was lush and bountiful, and the Legendary dragon incident was long in the past. The future was hopeful, and his parents met during this time of peace. His father, Caldyr, was an eldross healer of note, though he did not make great magical strides in healing like the foremost healer of his time, Lilianna, he was a master of the magical techniques she, and other healers, developed. Likewise, Marin Tallow was not the greatest Eldross warrior alive, but she was still well known for her devotion to the protection of nature and her homeland. His parents met when Marin was injured during a small raid by the Keavna, during their uprising, and Caldyr tended to her and nursed her back to health. They grew close over that time and eventually married. Valdyr was born some twenty years after the Keavna uprising, and the night he was born a vixen left a fox cub in his crib, which he was bonded to. This cub was Siki, Valdyr’s lifelong companion and protector.

Valdyr’s early childhood was spent living the way of the eldross, learning to appreciate and cultivate nature, playing with Siki and his friends, and all in all growing up. He spent his early teens helping his Father in his healing hut, learning about the gifts the forest gave them, Taiel and various other herbs of healing, and how to use them in potions and brews. He eventually learned to use a bow and arrow to protect himself. He enjoyed a peaceful childhood with Siki and his parents.

As Valdyr grew older, it seemed to him his path had been chosen. He would become a healer like his father. By his 40th year he could fight with bow and staff, but he found he disliked violence and conflict, though he understood how it was necessary, when the rest of the world didn’t share the Eldross’ view on it. He was particularly skilled with Alchemy, and often prepared potions of healing for his father. Even Siki showed aptitude for this path, able to sniff out most herbs needed with ease. He knew which herbs could heal, and which could kill, and how some could be lethal in large doses even if beneficial in small. He showed little magical potential, though he began to display signs of innate power around his 45th year, and discovered Siki could take the form of a staff, and with it, powers came to him. Healing, plant manipulation, control of the winds. Nature's gifts. He showed great potential, for not all Eldross could harness their powers, and so he spent more time training to use them.

When Valdyr was in his early 50s, the world began to change. While to most eldross things appeared peaceful, there was a growing tension. His mother talked about a potential conflict on the horizon. The Sentinels were on high alert for sudden attacks, and the Undari and Heanta had apparently struck some sort of accord. Fighting began at the Eldari and heanta borders, and the Eldross council attempted desperately to cool the situation down. Tense years passed, but eventually the hard work of the order of the sun and the eldross ended with the highspire treaty, and war had been averted. Or so it seemed.

Over the next few years, Valdyr grew in skill as a healer and a fighter, and during that time he met an Eldross by the name of Lialynn Rosewood. Lialynn was a strong, feisty and confident healer who stole Valdyr’s heart from the moment they met, and while they struck up a fast friendship, there was something more between them. However, life had chosen to intervene before anything could happen.

The Second Great War

Seven years after the highspire treaty was signed, the Heanta broke it in a sudden and dreadful attack, and war broke out in full between the Eldari and heanta. The Undari were swift to join, and the Eldross had no option but to aid their brothers and sisters. Valdyr knew he had a duty to his people and the forest, and so he decided to pick up his weapons and fight. Two years later, Valdyr joined the war for real as a combat healer and over the course of the war seen bloodshed he Hoped to never see again. Several months in, his unit ran afoul of an undari force that took them by surprise from a river. His captain, Fen Glen was killed in the attack along with several others and the rest of them were captured. Valdyr managed to escape, but was chased by two undari into the forest and forced into a fight. Valdyr and Siki split up and used the forest to their advantage, managing to isolate and take down the first. Valdyr knocked her out cold and vanished into the trees, catching the second one off guard. This one was tougher and dodged his sneak attack. He called Siki to his hand and managed to fight the undari, but was wounded multiple times in the exchange. The undari overpowered him and pinned him down, and would have killed him but Siki transformed back and went for the throat. Valdyr drew a dagger and stabbed the undari in the chest, a fatal blow.

He was distraught as he watched the life leave the undari's eyes. He attempted to heal the undari, but it was too late. Valdyr eventually remembered the captured members of his unit and vowed to save them. Though the undari used the river to transport them away, they were still in a dense forest, and Valdyr knew forests. He was able to track them to their camp and observed it. They had taken more prisoners than just the surviving members of his unit, and it appeared they were planning something, for it was no simple prisoner camp. Indeed, a strange individual appeared to be up to something. As the day passed by, Valdyr witnessed them bring a live Eldross out and into the woman’s tent. An hour later, they brought out a body, and dumped it in a pit.

Valdyr didn’t know what they were doing, but it had to be stopped. He knew the location, so he could bring help. However, he wasn’t leaving the prisoners at the mercy of that woman, so he decided to sneak into the camp and attempt a prison break. Foolhardy, yes, but Valdyr felt he’d already failed, and he wouldn’t do so again. He waited until midnight before making his move, using the shroud of darkness to glide in on the wind into the camp. He carefully made his way to where they were holding the prisoners, and found more than just his own squad. There were many other eldross and a few Eldari. Valdyr slipped up to the Undari guarding them and caught him in a sleeper hold, putting the man to sleep, then stole the keys, letting the prisoners out.

In the last cell he was surprised to Find Lialynn, the Eldross healer who had started apprenticing with his father. He had no idea she’d enlisted, and she was happy to see him. Together, they worked out a plan of escape, which started with them reclaiming the Eldross’ animal companions and the Eldari’s weapons. Fortunately for most of the captured Eldross, their animals had turned into a staff to remain safe, but the Undari had kept them locked away in a different part of the compound. Siki volunteered to seek them out, and the little fox slipped into the night.

Siki returned, having found the weapons, and he and Lialynn slipped out of the prisoner tent to retrieve them. She was stealthy, and together they managed to grab the weapons and slip back to the prisoner tent. However, things took a bad turn, and Valdyr learned a valuable lesson. The prisoners had been discovered, and while they had fought they were easily subdued. The Undari ambushed them as they returned. They cut down one of the prisoners and ordered them to surrender, and watching the blood pool across the dry ground, something in him snapped. Valdyr told Lialynn to escape, and then called Siki to his hand. Before the Undari could strike another, he attacked with a ferocity he didn’t know he’d possessed, using his powers, staff and bow to take as many down as he could, giving the prisoners a chance to run. However, the mercy he had shown earlier that day when he’d spared the Undari in the woods had come back to bite him. The female had found her way back to camp, and caught Lialynn by surprise, putting a knife to her throat. The woman ordered him to stop and he did, frozen in place, waiting. With his attention on the woman and Lialynn he never heard the Undari come up behind him, only saw a sword suddenly protrude from his chest. He fell to his knees.

The woman went to slit Lialynn’s throat, when an arrow found her eye and they both tumbled to the ground. Valdyr struck, spinning and planting a knife in the Undari who’d stabbed him.  More arrows rained down, killing undari around the camp, and all Valdyr could think was to check on Lialynn. He made it only five steps before he passed out before reaching her. That was it, he’d thought, but to his surprise he woke up. He was on his back, still in the camp, and Lialynn knelt next to him, a green glow surrounding her hands. Beside her stood an Eldross he’d never seen before, short of stature but commanding. Around her, others were helping the wounded prisoners.

The Eldross was Miral Nerys, a renowned ranger of the Collective. She and her unit had been dispatched to hunt down and destroy the Undari prisoner camp, and kill its commander Naderi Morin, and had arrived just in time. She’d taken the shot that had saved Lialynn’s life, and in doing so saved Valdyr’s life, and earned his lifelong respect. But his eyes kept drifting back to the red headed Eldross who sat beside him, still healing. He knew then that he was in love with her.

After the incident, Valdyr was promoted to ranger for his outstanding devotion to his comrades, even if it was somewhat foolhardy. He was assigned to Miral Nerys’ squad. Naderi Morin escaped Miral’s squad and whatever twisted ritual she’d been working on was thwarted for now. Lialynn, who had been taken in a raid on a healer outpost was allowed home to recover, but she kept in touch with Valdyr. The incident had changed Valdyr. He could no longer allow himself to show mercy, for his enemy would show him none, and for the remainder of the war he donned the mask of a cold blooded killer. He hated every moment of it, but couldn’t afford to show the same hesitance he had before. When the war finally ended he let that part of him go, absolved himself of the death he had caused. His foes, after all, had started the war, and had earned it.

The war continued for far too long, culminating in a bloody final battle in serenity valley. Both sides were exhausted at this stage, and the sudden emergence of the humans from their homeland of Mondolin put a final stop to things. Peace talks were entered and eventually secured, and life, for the most part, returned to normal.


After the war, Valdyr returned to a peaceful life. He left the killer behind and set his sights to the future. He asked to be transferred into the Sentinels, as the rangers often left Harodiel, and he wanted to stay close to home. He could have resumed his life as a healer, but he couldn’t bring himself to go back to such a simple life, and with the strength he held he knew he had a duty to protect the forest. He was granted his request partly thanks to Miral, and his mother, both of whom had recommended him.

Life as a sentinel was much calmer, and it gave him time to focus on himself and Siki. He spent the majority of his time patrolling the edges of the forest and deterring intrusion, while helping keep the local wildlife in check. But at the end of each week he had time to go home and visit his parents, check in with Miral and see his friends. He finally got to meet Miral’s partner Kira properly. He got to help his father in the healing house. On one such weekend, he found Lialynn had been invited to dinner. He hadn't spoken to her properly since his return, still recovering mentally from everything he had seen and done. He had considered letting her be, thinking perhaps she had found someone else, however it appeared she was having none of it. In fact, she admitted later that she had forced his father to invite her to dinner to see Valdyr.

And so against his better judgement, they began to see each other. It wasn't a hard decision honestly, for every time he saw her he could only think about the future they might share together. Indeed, they quickly grew close, and only a year after being together they decided to get married. They took their time expanding their family, and it was just the two of them. Every day was a dream, the world was peaceful, the forest remained untouched by their enemies. Seventy years passed, when they finally felt ready to have a child. They tried for many moons, and were eventually successful. Their first child, Cade, was born. He was bonded with a robin, and their happy little family had finally started. Thirty years later, they had a second Child, Talyn who was bonded with the cub of Lialynn’s companion Niela, a black panther. Valdyr’s mother retired from the Sentinels soon after Talyn was born.

Life seemed to fly by, but Valdyr remembered every day, every good and bad moment. He watched Cade grow into a man and find love, an eldross by the name of Kevin, and Talyn joined the rangers. She was an exceptional archer and warrior, greater than he was at her age. Cade had set his sights high, intent on joining the collective and becoming a leader. When Miral was married Valdyr attended the wedding, overjoyed for her and Kira. They often spent time together as families, especially after the two adopted Artem, a poor boy who’s parents had both passed. Life was good, and the next 50 years were spent in peace.

A life burned

In 902, everything changed for Valdyr. It all began when a dragon, not seen for many years, arrived in Illion. Her name was Veralia, who could harness the might of the wind to cause great if she so wished. However, it seemed she only wanted a tribute from the prosperous city that had grown its wealth thanks to its divinium mines. The human smartly did as asked and presented her with a horde of treasure and livestock. Veralia was delighted and spared the city. However, not all dragons were as benevolent as Veralia, or it seemed, on the same side. For her appearance had drawn the attention of another dragon. Onyxus the black, one of the most powerful living beings on Ka’lesa, rivalled by none. He set upon Veralia and would have killed her, had not the brave human knights of the city charged out to aid Veralia. Indeed it seemed a smart move, for once done with her, Onyxus might set his sights on them. Together they could beat Onyxus.


Except Veralia fled, the moment she escaped Onyxus’ clutches, and the black dragon turned his attention to Illion. The city was razed, but not before the Eldross could send help. The legion of rangers Talyn was stationed with was nearby. It was led by Kira, Miral’s wife, and she saw the danger Onyxus posed to them. She led that legion, and Valdyr’s only daughter, to face the dragon. However Onyxus was too powerful, and one of Valdyr’s good friends died that day. When word of the legion’s return made it back to them, Valdyr raced to find Talyn… But.. She wasn’t with them. No one could confirm it outright, but… She had fallen in battle.

Darkness began to creep in, and the mask that Valdyr wore during the war, that of a killer, returned. He would give his life to end Onyxus, but before he could rush off Lialynn and Cade stopped him. Still, when it was declared a task force would set out to destroy the dragon, he joined it. Marin reenlisted to fight, even though she had retired years before. Lialynn wanted to come, but she was needed, along with his father. All the healers they could muster would be necessary to help once the fight was over. Dalrodir shor arrived with a contingent of Eldari warriors and Magi, the humans came in force, their knights of mondolin riding in on mighty steeds, and the most surprising of all, Celaena the hornless, along with all the heanta warriors who would follow her, came. Untrusted, they were only accepted when Dalrodir Shor vouched for the heanta leader. Valdyr didn’t care, they need all  the help they could get to slay Onyxus.

The battle commenced, Valdyr leading his unit of sentinels against the dragon to attack from range with deadly arrows. Not deadly enough, for they barely hurt the monstrosity as he began to tear through the task force's ranks. Magi and heanta and humans fell. He witnessed Miral’s squad take a nasty blast of fire that decimated the field. And then Onyxus fell on his unit, quite literally body slamming them. In the chaos, Valdyr was smashed by a mighty tail and sent flying. He was left lying stunned on the ground. He’d lost hold of Siki. He passed out.

He woke up to a gentle nose nuzzling at his face, urging him to get up, and Valdyr opened his eyes. Siki had found him, but then.. Flames, scorching flames, but before they could reach him Valdyr’s mother threw herself over him, shielding him from the fire with her body and magic. And he watched as she turned to ash. Her magic faded with her life, and Valdyr was left cradling his terrified companion. Blinding rage filled Valdyr and he charged toward Onyxus, firing arrow after arrow at the beast. The dragon took a swipe, almost of handed, and sent him flying. And he felt something snap in his mind… And then darkness.

When Valdyr woke, everything was quiet. The dragon was gone. His body ached, and he absently reached for Siki. He needed to heal himself. But he couldn’t sense her. His lifelong companion was gone. Valdyr slowly pushed himself to his feet, glancing around the field. There were bodies everywhere, and flames. Death on a scale he’d once witnessed in the battle for Serenity Valley. And there, nearby, was a little red fox, body broken from the blow that had almost killed him. Valdyr went to her, scooping up her small form, and cradled her… And then, he noticed a glow, like the sun rising, but coming from the west, and to his horror, he realised the forest was burning.

He ran, as fast as he could, as his entire world burned before him. By the time he’d made it to his father’s healing house, he’d found it in flames, a massive tree having fallen through it. Annis Galaris burned. He never found Cade’s body, likely scorched by the dragon. He found Lialynn, untouched, perfect. Lifeless. The area around her was perfectly preserved, the fire kept at bay by something.

Eventually Onyxus was slain by Dalrodir Shor, the hero falling with him. But it was far too late. The damage had been done, the forest burned to cinders, and Valdyr’s life with it.

Fenroc in the forest

After the burning of Harodiel, the Eldari came in force, healers and warriors and even civilians. They helped the remaining Eldross, all few that remained. They searched for survivors and did their best to save the world. Valdyr did not help. He took Lialynn’s body, and travelled to their favourite spot in the forest, a Twilight wood grove. It was one of the only places left untouched by fire, twilight wood was difficult to work, never mind destroyed with fire. Valdyr buried her there, and, no where else to go he stayed, living off what little remained of the plant life.

Valdyr lived in the grove unbothered by anyone or anything, for many months. On occasion he saw another Eldross, but did not make his presence known. Time passed, days and weeks and months he didn’t notice, spent in depression. And then humans came, drawn by the twilight wood. Valdyr had only his Sentinel’s blade, his bow lost in battle with Onyxus, but he had no reason to fight. Still, he would not allow them to harm the grove, so he revealed himself, ordered them to leave. The humans attacked him, and Valdyr wounded one badly. They fled then, dragging their bleeding friend away, but that wouldn’t be the last he saw of the brigands. A week later they returned in greater numbers, bringing saws and tar and they attacked the grove. Valdyr had been away, but returned to catch them. One of them had set the memorial for his family alight.

Seeing that, he snapped and launched himself at them. He may have lost his powers when Siki died, but he hadn't lost his edge, and rage enhanced it. He cut every last one of them down, taking multiple hits himself. When it was over he lay in a grove of human bodies bleeding.

Valdyr survived, and kept going. He became a caretaker for the forest, helping new saplings by clearing Ash, planting tree seeds from outside the forest. A few months after the humans came, Valdyr came across a group of elk that had wandered down from the north. Not true enderon elk, but majestic just the same. One in particular would follow him about and prod him for food. A few weeks later, he found her dead. A black wolf ran from the area trailing blood. Valdyr was distraught, and ended up crafting a makeshift bow to hunt the wolf, and began to track it.

He eventually cornered the wolf, and it attacked. He wasn’t ready for its sheer size and speed, and the black beast knocked him from his feet, snapping his teeth down on Valdyr’s hand. He lost his sword, and the wolf went for the throat. Valdyr waited for the killing blow, almost overjoyed that it was coming, but the wolf stopped. It snarled in his face and fled into the forest. A few days later, he found the rest of the elk. All had been slaughtered. He couldn't see how a wolf had done such a thing. As he examined the bodies a black shape burst from the forest and tackled him, snarling viciously, knocking him prone. Just in time to take him from the path of a massive beast covered in black chitinous plates. A fenroc.

Eldross or not, there was no calming such a creature. Valdyr stood up and prepared to fight. It lunged and he dodged, slashing at its face. It turned faster than he could react and would have bitten him clean in half if the black wolf hadn't lunged at the fenroc's face, ripping into its eye. It let out a roar of pain and lunged after the wolf. The wolf ran, and so did Valdyr, for the creature had turned back to him.

It chased him through the forest, where he found an old Eldross shrine. There wasn't much left of it, but he lost the beast and hid beneath a scorched stone. Hours passed, darkness and he eventually decided it was safe to slip away. However the fenroc had simply waited and ambushed him, smashing him through stone into an old crypt, sword flying from his hand and he fell down into a shallow pit. The creature tore through the rubble after him, powerful claws ripping wood and earth easily, when suddenly the black wolf was back. This time it ripped the fenrocs eye clean out, blinding it. Valdyr reached for the sword he'd lost grip of and his hand fell on a bow. Power thrummed through the bow, and through him. He leapt up as the fenroc dislodged the wolf and slammed it aside.

Though he had no arrows, he drew back the bow. Instinct told him too. A green arrow formed, and as the fenroc turned its bloody maw towards him, he aimed carefully, and fired. The beast used its armoured arm to block its face, but the arrow ripped through, piercing its skull. The fenroc teetered and collapsed, dead. Valdyr stood in shock, awed by the power of the weapon he’d found, but then he remembered the wolf. He found the large black wolf lying in the ashy grass, bleeding from a terrible set of claws. It snarled as he approached, but Valdyr ignored him. He wouldn’t attack Valdyr, he’d proven that already.

Surveying the damage, he knew it was lethal. The wolf would die, unless he could find a healer… Or.. Bond him. The bonding ritual was done when both Eldross and animal were young, because to do so later in life was tricky. And usually it was done by a specialist, not one of the two involved. Valdyr had never even considered the idea of bonding with another, but the wolf had saved his life. He owed it that much. Valdyr placed his hand on the wolf’s snout. The  wolf immediately bit his hand, but not hard enough to draw blood. It was defensive and scared. He placed his other hand on its head, sending out a sense of peace, and then, he let nature guide his mind.

As far as he knew, there was no record of an eldross bonding an animal after losing their first, or alone for that matter. But the forest, and Grainne, smiled upon him. With a rush of power and a booming sound, their souls bonded. He felt power return to him, magic that he’d lost with Siki’s death, and in an instant the terrible wounds on the wolf, and even Valdyr’s own, were healed away. He looked to the sky, and sent out a silent thank you to whoever had helped him. The wolf, for his part, stood up and looked around, confused. Valdyr reached out tentatively towards its mind, and the animal recoiled, then fled into the forest. Valdyr pulled back and let him go.

The bow Valdyr had found was known as Eltuìtan. Built during the end of the first great war, when dragons had appeared, its enchantment had been designed to kill dragons. But it had two others, one was a special seeking arrow, and the other, a rain of arrows. Valdyr discovered these when practising with the bow. As for the fenroc’s body, Valdyr used it to build himself a set of armour. The natural plates were strong, and the bone proved useful. He used its skull to carve himself a true mask. One he would no longer remove. The kind, sensitive Valdyr born before the second great war was gone, and he would not return.


The next few weeks were tricky. Valdyr had his powers, but couldn’t access them without the wolf, and the wolf kept his distance. He did learn that the wolf called himself Morgren, but most conversations with the creature were short. He was a very angry wolf, and rejected the bond. But Valdyr didn’t care. He’d owed the wolf his life, and had only done it to save him. He let the animal be.

Eventually, humans attempted to enter the forest to steal its resources. This time, Valdyr was ready. He’d began to patrol the forest, avoiding the few eldross rangers that still lived in the forest. Unlike the others, who simply scared the bandits off, Valdyr showed no mercy. He hadn’t forgotten what they had done to his family’s shrine, and met all intrusions with lethal force. His mere appearance, in his Fenroc armour, was enough to strike fear into intruders' hearts, and eventually they began to flee as soon as they saw him. Rumours of the Wraith began to spread. And with it, danger. For the bandits wanted those trees, and so they brought in help.

A few weeks after he was convinced the bandits had given up, he was suddenly attacked, ambushed in his own forest. They’d somehow tracked him without him knowing, and it became obvious when he was confronted by a hulking heanta. Somehow the bandits had found one to do their dirty work for them. He was a tough foe, quickly pushing Valdyr to his limits. It didn’t help that the heanta had back up, and even with the abilities of his new bow, he was struggling. He did land a deadly shot on the heanta with his seeking arrow. He thought he had ended it, but was attacked by more humans before he could finish the job, and the heanta healed.

Then he attacked Valdyr, this time disarming him and landing a bad wound to his gut. It looked bad, but then the heanta was tackled from behind by a black shape, and Morgren was there, pinning the heanta and savaging his face and neck. The heanta kicked the wolf off, and the wolf looked to Valdyr, then lept, transforming into a staff mid leap. Valdyr caught the staff and spun, as power surged. He slammed it into the ground and the ground exploded upwards, the heanta launched up with it. Valdyr swung hard and struck Heanta hard in the head while he was airborne, sending him flying. Still the heanta stood, but Valdyr followed up quickly with a javelin of wind which hit with force and sent the heanta sprawling again. Valdyr picked up his bow as the heanta climbed to his feet, but before the thing could take another step, Valdyr planted an arrow between his eyes.

The humans fled. Valdyr collapsed, and passed out. When he woke up, he came face to face with a familiar person. Miral. He hadn’t seen her since the burning of the forest. But somehow she had found him in his time of need. Morgren was nearby, although he kept his distance from Miral and her companion Inara. The wolf spoke in his mind. He’d found help. He said no more.

After that, Morgren stayed closer to Valdyr. He was still distant, the great black animal had lost as much as he had in the forest, and he was angry and hateful. But he’d still saved Valdyr. He’d tried to protect the animals of the forest from the Fenroc. Harodiel was as much his home as Valdyr’s. They decided that together, they would make sure nothing ever harmed the forest again, and so, they became its guardians, attacking anyone not Eldross or Eldari, or accompanied by one, who entered the forest. They kept their distance from other Eldross. The mask that Valdyr had worn during the war became a permanent part of him. He was the Wraith of the Forest, Nature’s Wrath.

Side notes:
Rp example:

Valatrix "Vala" Of The Hornless Clan R-1 Heanta
Bethany "Mercy" Merciallus A-5 Asentari
Korroth Vex Of Clan Vandel R-1 Heanta
Lilian Toral A-5 Human
Octavia Velerius A-5 Asentari
Rowan Aratris E-1 Eldari
Umbra Moonfall A-5 Heanta
Koranna "Kora" Merciallus A-5 Asentari
Gwyneth "Gwyn" Ferrum Aurora A-5 Human
Mist, The Explosive Assassin A-5 Half-Eldari
Asaka Tsuno A-5 Kijin
Valdyr Kaladris A-5 Eldross

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Valdyr Kaladris Empty Re: Valdyr Kaladris

Post by Jun Sun Jun 30, 2024 2:17 am

Approved A-5

Rex von Broven. Asentari. A-5
Nichol Shard. Human. A-3
Krad Obidaiya. Asentari. A-3
Kronos Lohengrin. Asentari. R-1
Rory Bloomfield. Human. R-1
Aether Favonius. Human. A-3

Tohma Tomoshibi. Kijin. A-4
Ryul Valro. Eldari. A-5


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Valdyr Kaladris Empty Re: Valdyr Kaladris

Post by Orgoth Mon Jul 01, 2024 5:03 am


Orgoth's Character Roster
Faylandrea "Fayla" Shor A-5 Eldari
Kairi Thorne A-5 Human
Knightfall A-5 Heanta
Andreas Toral R-1 Human
Miral Nerys and Inara R-1 Eldross
Yavanna Elbereth E-1 Eldari
Armagand Kor A-5 Asentari
Eliza Kor R-1 Asentari
Kanetsugu Nakamura A-5 Kijin
Raya Nakamoto A-5 Kijin
Gohan Maedar A-5 Human
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